Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes

ofVideoGrabber Class Reference

#include <ofVideoGrabber.h>

Inheritance diagram for ofVideoGrabber:
ofBaseVideo ofBaseDraws ofBaseUpdates ofBaseHasTexture ofBaseHasPixels

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ofVideoGrabber ()
virtual ~ofVideoGrabber ()
int getDeviceCount ()
void listDevices ()
bool isFrameNew ()
void grabFrame ()
void close ()
bool initGrabber (int w, int h, bool bTexture=true)
void videoSettings ()
unsigned char * getPixels ()
ofTexturegetTextureReference ()
void setVerbose (bool bTalkToMe)
void setDeviceID (int _deviceID)
void setUseTexture (bool bUse)
void draw (float x, float y, float w, float h)
void draw (float x, float y)
void update ()
void setAnchorPercent (float xPct, float yPct)
void setAnchorPoint (int x, int y)
void resetAnchor ()
float getHeight ()
float getWidth ()

Public Attributes

int height
int width

Protected Member Functions

bool qtInitSeqGrabber ()
bool qtCloseSeqGrabber ()
bool qtSelectDevice (int deviceNumber, bool didWeChooseADevice)

Protected Attributes

bool bChooseDevice
int deviceID
bool bUseTexture
ofTexture tex
bool bVerbose
bool bGrabberInited
unsigned char * pixels
bool bIsFrameNew
unsigned char * offscreenGWorldPixels
int w
int h
bool bHavePixelsChanged
GWorldPtr videogworld
SeqGrabComponent gSeqGrabber
SGChannel gVideoChannel
Rect videoRect
bool bSgInited
string deviceName

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ofVideoGrabber::ofVideoGrabber (  )
ofVideoGrabber::~ofVideoGrabber (  ) [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void ofVideoGrabber::close (  ) [virtual]

Implements ofBaseVideo.

void ofVideoGrabber::draw ( float  x,
float  y,
float  w,
float  h 
) [virtual]

Implements ofBaseDraws.

void ofVideoGrabber::draw ( float  x,
float  y 
) [virtual]

Implements ofBaseDraws.

int ofVideoGrabber::getDeviceCount (  )
float ofVideoGrabber::getHeight (  ) [virtual]

Implements ofBaseDraws.

unsigned char * ofVideoGrabber::getPixels (  ) [virtual]

Implements ofBaseVideo.

ofTexture & ofVideoGrabber::getTextureReference (  ) [virtual]

Implements ofBaseHasTexture.

float ofVideoGrabber::getWidth (  ) [virtual]

Implements ofBaseDraws.

void ofVideoGrabber::grabFrame (  )
bool ofVideoGrabber::initGrabber ( int  w,
int  h,
bool  bTexture = true 
bool ofVideoGrabber::isFrameNew (  )
void ofVideoGrabber::listDevices (  )
bool ofVideoGrabber::qtCloseSeqGrabber (  ) [protected]
bool ofVideoGrabber::qtInitSeqGrabber (  ) [protected]
bool ofVideoGrabber::qtSelectDevice ( int  deviceNumber,
bool  didWeChooseADevice 
) [protected]
void ofVideoGrabber::resetAnchor (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofBaseDraws.

void ofVideoGrabber::setAnchorPercent ( float  xPct,
float  yPct 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofBaseDraws.

void ofVideoGrabber::setAnchorPoint ( int  x,
int  y 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofBaseDraws.

void ofVideoGrabber::setDeviceID ( int  _deviceID )
void ofVideoGrabber::setUseTexture ( bool  bUse )
void ofVideoGrabber::setVerbose ( bool  bTalkToMe )
void ofVideoGrabber::update (  ) [virtual]

Implements ofBaseUpdates.

void ofVideoGrabber::videoSettings ( void   )

Member Data Documentation

bool ofVideoGrabber::bIsFrameNew [protected]
bool ofVideoGrabber::bSgInited [protected]
bool ofVideoGrabber::bUseTexture [protected]
bool ofVideoGrabber::bVerbose [protected]
int ofVideoGrabber::deviceID [protected]
string ofVideoGrabber::deviceName [protected]
SeqGrabComponent ofVideoGrabber::gSeqGrabber [protected]
SGChannel ofVideoGrabber::gVideoChannel [protected]
int ofVideoGrabber::h [protected]
unsigned char* ofVideoGrabber::offscreenGWorldPixels [protected]
unsigned char* ofVideoGrabber::pixels [protected]
GWorldPtr ofVideoGrabber::videogworld [protected]
Rect ofVideoGrabber::videoRect [protected]
int ofVideoGrabber::w [protected]

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 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines