Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions

ofAppGlutWindow Class Reference

#include <ofAppGlutWindow.h>

Inheritance diagram for ofAppGlutWindow:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ofAppGlutWindow ()
 ~ofAppGlutWindow ()
void setupOpenGL (int w, int h, int screenMode)
void initializeWindow ()
void runAppViaInfiniteLoop (ofBaseApp *appPtr)
void hideCursor ()
void showCursor ()
void setFullscreen (bool fullScreen)
void toggleFullscreen ()
void setWindowTitle (string title)
void setWindowPosition (int x, int y)
void setWindowShape (int w, int h)
ofPoint getWindowPosition ()
ofPoint getWindowSize ()
ofPoint getScreenSize ()
int getWindowMode ()
int getFrameNum ()
float getFrameRate ()
void setFrameRate (float targetRate)
void enableSetupScreen ()
void disableSetupScreen ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void exitApp ()
static void display (void)
static void mouse_cb (int button, int state, int x, int y)
static void motion_cb (int x, int y)
static void passive_motion_cb (int x, int y)
static void idle_cb (void)
static void keyboard_cb (unsigned char key, int x, int y)
static void keyboard_up_cb (unsigned char key, int x, int y)
static void special_key_cb (int key, int x, int y)
static void special_key_up_cb (int key, int x, int y)
static void resize_cb (int w, int h)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ofAppGlutWindow::ofAppGlutWindow (  )
ofAppGlutWindow::~ofAppGlutWindow (  ) [inline]

Member Function Documentation

void ofAppGlutWindow::disableSetupScreen (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::display ( void   ) [static]
void ofAppGlutWindow::enableSetupScreen (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::exitApp (  ) [static]
int ofAppGlutWindow::getFrameNum (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

float ofAppGlutWindow::getFrameRate (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

ofPoint ofAppGlutWindow::getScreenSize (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

int ofAppGlutWindow::getWindowMode (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

ofPoint ofAppGlutWindow::getWindowPosition (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

ofPoint ofAppGlutWindow::getWindowSize (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::hideCursor (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::idle_cb ( void   ) [static]
void ofAppGlutWindow::initializeWindow (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::keyboard_cb ( unsigned char  key,
int  x,
int  y 
) [static]
void ofAppGlutWindow::keyboard_up_cb ( unsigned char  key,
int  x,
int  y 
) [static]
void ofAppGlutWindow::motion_cb ( int  x,
int  y 
) [static]
void ofAppGlutWindow::mouse_cb ( int  button,
int  state,
int  x,
int  y 
) [static]
void ofAppGlutWindow::passive_motion_cb ( int  x,
int  y 
) [static]
void ofAppGlutWindow::resize_cb ( int  w,
int  h 
) [static]
void ofAppGlutWindow::runAppViaInfiniteLoop ( ofBaseApp appPtr ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::setFrameRate ( float  targetRate ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::setFullscreen ( bool  fullScreen ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::setupOpenGL ( int  w,
int  h,
int  screenMode 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::setWindowPosition ( int  x,
int  y 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::setWindowShape ( int  w,
int  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::setWindowTitle ( string  title ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::showCursor (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

void ofAppGlutWindow::special_key_cb ( int  key,
int  x,
int  y 
) [static]
void ofAppGlutWindow::special_key_up_cb ( int  key,
int  x,
int  y 
) [static]
void ofAppGlutWindow::toggleFullscreen (  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from ofAppBaseWindow.

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