This is the complete list of members for
ofBaseVideo, including all inherited members.
close()=0 | ofBaseVideo | [pure virtual] |
draw(float x, float y)=0 | ofBaseDraws | [pure virtual] |
draw(float x, float y, float w, float h)=0 | ofBaseDraws | [pure virtual] |
getHeight()=0 | ofBaseDraws | [pure virtual] |
getPixels()=0 | ofBaseVideo | [pure virtual] |
getTextureReference()=0 | ofBaseHasTexture | [pure virtual] |
getWidth()=0 | ofBaseDraws | [pure virtual] |
resetAnchor() | ofBaseDraws | [inline, virtual] |
setAnchorPercent(float xPct, float yPct) | ofBaseDraws | [inline, virtual] |
setAnchorPoint(int x, int y) | ofBaseDraws | [inline, virtual] |
update()=0 | ofBaseUpdates | [pure virtual] |
~ofBaseDraws() | ofBaseDraws | [inline, virtual] |
~ofBaseHasPixels() | ofBaseHasPixels | [inline, virtual] |
~ofBaseHasTexture() | ofBaseHasTexture | [inline, virtual] |
~ofBaseUpdates() | ofBaseUpdates | [inline, virtual] |
~ofBaseVideo() | ofBaseVideo | [inline, virtual] |