Defines | Functions | Variables

smt.c File Reference

#include "smt.h"


#define MAX_ID_EX   65535
#define MAXLABEL   10000
#define FALSE   0
#define TRUE   1
#define ELEM(x, i, j)   x[((i)*mt_ncol_proc) + (j)]
#define NO_GESTURE   -1


void runsmtwin32 (int *x, int *y, int ntouch)
void addtouch (int x, int y)
void gonext (void)
int computedist2 (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
int flick (void)
int rotate (void)
int rotate_old (void)
int scale (void)
void event_to_string (char *s, int e)
void state_machine (void)
void initeventlist (void)
void print_touchevent (int event_index)
void notifyevent (int eventid, TOUCHBLOB *touch, TOUCHEVENT *tevent, int event_index, float x, float y, float dx, float dy, int num_touch, int info)
void initblob (TOUCHBLOB *b)
void copyblob (TOUCHBLOB *src, TOUCHBLOB *dest)
void initsmt (void)
void setoffset (void)
void preprocessing (void)
void savearray (FILE *fp, const char *filename, int *x, int n)
void savesnapshot (void)
unsigned char ucminarray (unsigned char *x, int n)
signed char scminarray (signed char *x, int n)
unsigned char ucmaxarray (unsigned char *x, int n)
float favgarray (int *x, int n)
void meanfilter (int *Iy, int *Ix, int numrow, int numcol, int n)
void meanfilter_threshold (int *Iy, int *Ix, int numrow, int numcol, int n, int apply_filter_threshold)
float fminarray (float *x, int n)
float fmaxarray (float *x, int n)
unsigned int uimin (unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
unsigned int uimax (unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
void cclabel (void)
void blobprops (void)
void runsmt (void)
void identtouch (void)
void tracktouch (void)
int iminarray (int *x, int n)
int imaxarray (int *x, int n)
void imresizenearest (int *x, int nrowx, int ncolx, int *y, int nrowy, int ncoly)
void imresizebilinear (int *x, int nrowx, int ncolx, int *y, int nrowy, int ncoly)
void imresizebicubic (int *x, int nrowx, int ncolx, int *y, int nrowy, int ncoly)
int ilimit (int x, int l, int u)
float flimit (float x, float l, float u)
float interpcc (float v1, float v2, float v3, float v4, float d)
float ucmse (unsigned char *x, unsigned char *y, int n)
float fpower (float a, int b)
void icopyarray (int *src, int *dst, int nlength)
void copyeventlist (TOUCHEVENT *src, TOUCHEVENT *dst, int n)
void computecaliparams (float *x, float *y, float *xd, float *yd, float *cali)
float computecalipos (float x, float y, float a, float b, float c)
float linearscale (float x, float min_x, float max_x, float min_y, float max_y)
void gesture_recognition (void)
void cwise2rwise (int *src, int *dst, int row, int col)
void rwise2cwise (int *src, int *dst, int row, int col)
void backgroundfiltering (unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int row, int col)


int mt_do_smoothing = TRUE
int mt_do_highpass = TRUE
int mt_do_smoothing2 = TRUE
int mt_ncol_sensor
 original size of sensor (of columns of camera or pad)
int mt_nrow_sensor
 original size of sensor (of rows of camera or pad)
int mt_ncol_proc
int mt_nrow_proc
int mt_masksize
 Filter size of smoothing filter.
int mt_masksize1
 Filter size of edge detection filter.
float mt_min_amplification_range
float mt_max_amplification_range
int mt_max_sensor
 Max value of sensor data, usually 255.
int mt_npower
int mt_bwthreshold1
int mt_bwthreshold2
 Upper bound of amplification result.
int mt_th_min_area
int mt_th_max_area
 mt_th_min_area < VALID_TOUCH_SIZE < mt_th_max_area
float mt_th_dist2
 Threshold to determine if a touch point moves or not.
int mt_sensor_data [MAXCOL *MAXROW]
int mt_sensor_data_temp [MAXCOL *MAXROW]
int mt_resized [MAXCOL *MAXROW]
int mt_offset [MAXCOL *MAXROW]
int mt_diff [MAXCOL *MAXROW]
 After background filter.
int mt_smoothing [MAXCOL *MAXROW]
int mt_highpass [MAXCOL *MAXROW]
int mt_highpass_smoothing [MAXCOL *MAXROW]
 Edge detection. Useful for DI system.
float mt_amplification [MAXCOL *MAXROW]
 Labeling result.
 Interim data for labeling.
int result [MAXCOL *MAXROW]
int mt_nlabel
 number of blobs
int mt_ntouch
 number of valid touches
int mt_noldtouch
 number of previous valid touches
int mt_nevent = 0
 number of events for current time
int mt_noldevent
 number of old events
int mt_id_ex = 0
 counter to assign id_ex to a touch point
FILE * fp_sensor_data
FILE * fp_offset
FILE * fp_diff
FILE * fp_smoothing
FILE * fp_highpass
FILE * fp_highpass_smoothing
FILE * fp_amplification
FILE * fp_label
float mt_calibration_params [6] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}
int mt_angle
float mt_scale
int mt_oldangle
float mt_oldscale
float mt_xmin_n
float mt_xmax_n
float mt_ymin_n
float mt_ymax_n
int mt_touch_state
int mt_cnt_up
int mt_cnt_ip
int mt_cnt_down
int mt_max_cnt_up
int mt_max_cnt_ip
int mt_max_cnt_down
unsigned int label_map [MAXROW][MAXCOL] = {0, }

Define Documentation

#define ELEM (   x,
)    x[((i)*mt_ncol_proc) + (j)]
#define FALSE   0
#define MAX_ID_EX   65535
#define MAXLABEL   10000
#define NO_GESTURE   -1
#define TRUE   1

Function Documentation

void addtouch ( int  x,
int  y 
void backgroundfiltering ( unsigned char *  src,
unsigned char *  dst,
int  row,
int  col 
void blobprops ( void   )
void cclabel ( void   )
void computecaliparams ( float *  x,
float *  y,
float *  xd,
float *  yd,
float *  cali 
float computecalipos ( float  x,
float  y,
float  a,
float  b,
float  c 
int computedist2 ( int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2 
void copyblob ( TOUCHBLOB src,
void copyeventlist ( TOUCHEVENT src,
int  n 
void cwise2rwise ( int *  src,
int *  dst,
int  row,
int  col 
void event_to_string ( char *  s,
int  e 
float favgarray ( int *  x,
int  n 
int flick ( void   )
float flimit ( float  x,
float  l,
float  u 
float fmaxarray ( float *  x,
int  n 
float fminarray ( float *  x,
int  n 
float fpower ( float  a,
int  b 
void gesture_recognition ( void   )
void gonext ( void   )
void icopyarray ( int *  src,
int *  dst,
int  nlength 
void identtouch ( void   )
int ilimit ( int  x,
int  l,
int  u 
int imaxarray ( int *  x,
int  n 
int iminarray ( int *  x,
int  n 
void imresizebicubic ( int *  x,
int  nrowx,
int  ncolx,
int *  y,
int  nrowy,
int  ncoly 
void imresizebilinear ( int *  x,
int  nrowx,
int  ncolx,
int *  y,
int  nrowy,
int  ncoly 
void imresizenearest ( int *  x,
int  nrowx,
int  ncolx,
int *  y,
int  nrowy,
int  ncoly 
void initblob ( TOUCHBLOB b )
void initeventlist ( void   )
void initsmt ( void   )
float interpcc ( float  v1,
float  v2,
float  v3,
float  v4,
float  d 
float linearscale ( float  x,
float  min_x,
float  max_x,
float  min_y,
float  max_y 
void meanfilter ( int *  Iy,
int *  Ix,
int  numrow,
int  numcol,
int  n 
void meanfilter_threshold ( int *  Iy,
int *  Ix,
int  numrow,
int  numcol,
int  n,
int  apply_filter_threshold 
void notifyevent ( int  eventid,
int  event_index,
float  x,
float  y,
float  dx,
float  dy,
int  num_touch,
int  info 
void preprocessing ( void   )
void print_touchevent ( int  event_index )
int rotate ( void   )
int rotate_old ( void   )
void runsmt ( void   )
void runsmtwin32 ( int *  x,
int *  y,
int  ntouch 
void rwise2cwise ( int *  src,
int *  dst,
int  row,
int  col 
void savearray ( FILE *  fp,
const char *  filename,
int *  x,
int  n 
void savesnapshot ( void   )
int scale ( void   )
signed char scminarray ( signed char *  x,
int  n 
void setoffset ( void   )
void state_machine ( void   )
void tracktouch ( void   )
unsigned char ucmaxarray ( unsigned char *  x,
int  n 
unsigned char ucminarray ( unsigned char *  x,
int  n 
float ucmse ( unsigned char *  x,
unsigned char *  y,
int  n 
unsigned int uimax ( unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y 
unsigned int uimin ( unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y 

Variable Documentation

FILE* fp_diff
FILE* fp_highpass
FILE* fp_label
FILE* fp_offset
FILE* fp_smoothing

Interim data for labeling.

unsigned int label_map[MAXROW][MAXCOL] = {0, }
float mt_amplification[MAXCOL *MAXROW]
int mt_angle


Upper bound of amplification result.

float mt_calibration_params[6] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}
int mt_cnt_ip
int mt_cnt_up
int mt_diff[MAXCOL *MAXROW]

After background filter.

int mt_do_highpass = TRUE
int mt_do_smoothing = TRUE
int mt_do_smoothing2 = TRUE
int mt_highpass[MAXCOL *MAXROW]
int mt_highpass_smoothing[MAXCOL *MAXROW]

Edge detection. Useful for DI system.

int mt_id_ex = 0

counter to assign id_ex to a touch point


Labeling result.

Filter size of smoothing filter.

Filter size of edge detection filter.

Max value of sensor data, usually 255.

original size of sensor (of columns of camera or pad)

int mt_nevent = 0

number of events for current time

int mt_nlabel

number of blobs

number of old events

number of previous valid touches

int mt_npower

original size of sensor (of rows of camera or pad)

int mt_ntouch

number of valid touches

int mt_offset[MAXCOL *MAXROW]
float mt_oldscale
int mt_resized[MAXCOL *MAXROW]
float mt_scale
int mt_sensor_data[MAXCOL *MAXROW]
int mt_sensor_data_temp[MAXCOL *MAXROW]
int mt_smoothing[MAXCOL *MAXROW]
float mt_th_dist2

Threshold to determine if a touch point moves or not.

mt_th_min_area < VALID_TOUCH_SIZE < mt_th_max_area

float mt_xmax_n
float mt_xmin_n
float mt_ymax_n
float mt_ymin_n
int result[MAXCOL *MAXROW]


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